Patanjali Divya Lithom Benefits Ingredients Doses

Patanjali Divya Lithom is an Ayurvedic Medicine popular in India which is made by of the herbal products manufacturing company of India Patanjali. This is an Ayurvedic formulation medicine available in the form of vati or a small tablet and it includes, Gokhru, Apamarg, Pashanbheda etc. It is used for urinary tract infections and kidney stones and other related aches and pains and various disorders. Although the product is a calcium and vitamin D supplement for bone health it was given an apparent lithotriptic name ‘Lithom’ which directly evokes the context of urinary tract stones. However, today there are many medicines like Divya Lithom available in the market and one must see a doctor before the use of any such product is needed.

Patanjali Divya Lithom Benefits Ingredients Doses

Patanjali Divya Lithom Benefits Ingredients Doses

Patanjali Divya Lithom Ingredients

Divya Lithom Ingredients Each Tablet Contains:
Extracts of :
  1. Gokhru (Tribulus Terrestris) Fr. 50 Mg,
  2. Kulath Dal (Dolichos Biflours) Sd. 50 Mg,
  3. Varun (Crataeva Nurvula) Bk. 50 Mg,
  4. Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa) Rt. 20 Mg,
  5. Pashanbhed (Saxifraga Ligulata) Rt. 20 Mg,
  6. Methi (Trigonella Foenum-graecum) Sd. 10 Mg,
Powders of :
  1. Yava Ksara 100 Mg,
  2. Hazrul Yahud Bhasma 50 Mg,
  3. Kalmi Shora 20 Mg,
  4. Mulaka Ksara 80 Mg,
  5. Swet Parpati 50 Mg,
  1. Gum Acacia (Acacia arabica) 8 mg,
  2. Talcum (Hydrated magnesium silicate ) 8 mg,
  3. MCC (Microcrystalline cellulose) 16 mg,
  4. Croscamellose sodium (Sodium Carboxymethyl cellulose) 8 mg

Benefits of Divya Lithom

 Useful in kidney stone, dysuria.

Doses/Uses of Divya Lithom

2 tablets twice a day, post meals with lukewarm water or as directed by the physician.
Price of Divya Lithom and Other infortion please visit the official Patanjali Ayurveda, Link Given below:-

Patanjali Divya Litom Ingredients : Introduction and Benefits

Gokhru (Tribulus Terrestris)

Gokhru also known to as Tribulus Terrestris is also used in Ayurvedic treatments for the treatment of different illnesses. Here are some of the benefits associated with this herb:Here are some of the benefits associated with this herb:
Urinary disorders: Gokhru has the natural capacity to control and enhance the flow of urine in the urinary system thereby acting as a remedy for urinary tract infections. It also applied in the cure of other disorders related to the urinary system including acute and chronic nephrolithiasis, cystitis, and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Sexual health: In traditional Indian medicinal practice it is used as an aphrodisiac especially to improve erectile performance in male clients. Some of the therapeutical effects which it is said to have include enhancing of testosterone, enhancing of sexual health.
Muscle building: It is also very well received by body builders and athletes since it is believed to contribute to the building of muscles. That it helps build muscle and gain muscles mass and strength, enhance various aspects of athletic performance, and help with recovery training.
Anti-inflammatory properties: It has also been noted that Gokhru has anti-inflammatory properties hence it is used in treatment of conditions that cause inflammation such as arthritis.
Antioxidant activity: Gokhru is also laden with antioxidants that are living compounds capable of keeping the body safe against oxidative harm due to presence of free radicals. This makes it useful in the prevention of chronic diseases for instance cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
गोक्षुरस्तूष्णीमास्त्रवाहिकृच्छ्रं शोणितपित्तास्त्रवघ्नम्।
कासश्वासकृमिरोधोदरं श्लेष्मार्शोगुल्मानिलपांशुजित्॥
Bhava Prakash

Gokhru is hot, promotes urination, reduces inflammation, and helps in the management of bleeding disorders. It is useful in the treatment of respiratory conditions, worms, and abdominal disorders caused by the accumulation of phlegm, piles, and flatulence.

Kulath Dal (Dolichos Biflours)

Kulath dal which is also called Dolichos Biflours is a type of pulse that is very beneficial to health and is used a lot in Ayurvedic treatments. Fiiber content is yet another advantage because its healthy for the digestive system. Kulath Dal is also proved that it contains low glycemic index which makes the food appropriate to take by diabetic patients because it assists in controlling the amount of sugar in the blood and the variations in insulin levels. 
It contains high protein and little calories, thus making it an ideal diet for people who are on a weight loss program. Besides, Kulath Dal is a rich source of antioxidants that enhances the body resistance mechanisms against oxidants and thereby decreases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. It also contains nutrients that boosts the immune system hence making it to be a good nutritional supplement in the body. But then again, it is very necessary to be careful on the portions taken when consuming Kulath Dal as it is part of the category of legumes that should not be taken in large portions due to its high glycemic index. Any smart change your diet should be discussed first with a doctor, especially if you have some health issues.
अथवा वैद्यकीयांश्चापि शाखां चक्रे महामुनिः।
कुलत्थादिं च यत्प्रोक्तं श्रूयतां तत्त्वतो मम॥ (सुश्रुत संहिता)

The great sage Sushruta has mentioned about the health benefits of Kulatha and other medicinal branches in his Ayurvedic text.

वृष्यं लघु शीतं तिक्तं वैष्यं तंबूलसंज्ञितम्।
पित्तमालासङ्घनं च कुलत्थं सुखदं भवेत्॥ (धन्वन्तरि निघण्टु)

According to Dhanvantari Nighantu, Kulatha (Horse Gram) is light, cooling, bitter, helps in digestion, and is effective in controlling excessive bile production. It is also known as Tambula.

Varun (Crataeva Nurvula)

Varun also called Crataeva Nurvula is an herbal plant which has been used in Ayurvedic system of treatment due to its multiple uses. It has its major application in the treatment of diseases relating to the kidney, bladder, and prostate gland inclusive of renal calculi, cystitis, and prostatic disorders respectively. Varun is the natural diuretic that helps to increase quantity of urine and remove toxins from the body-properties familiar to everyone. Besides, it has cytotoxic effects and it also mitigates inflammation in the urinary system since it is an anti-inflammatory agent.

Varun is also known to having several therapeutic uses in treating diseases, it also has Hepatoprotective effects; this mean that it prevents the liver from being damaged by toxins or medications. It is also antifeedant, antimicrobial and can also be used to treat inflammation, gastric ulcer and arthritis.
In ayurvedic system of medicine Varun has been employed as an effective remedy against skin diseases even including eczema and psoriasis. The liver is said to cleanse the blood and this inturn cleaning of the blood is said to improve skins health.

Other possible advantage associated with Varun is that it has a positive effect on digestion and, thanks to the high level of antioxidants, it is believed to slow the aging process. However, it needs to be understood that more research should be conducted in order to corroborate such benefits and to ascertain if Varun is safe to use or not. Like any supplements containing natural herbs it is advised that one consult a health care professional before taking the product. Varun or scientifically termed as Crataeva Nurvula is a very important medicinal plant in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science. Varun has been known since ancient times to possess numerous health benefits and all parts of the plant including the bark, leaves and seeds have also been employed in Ayurvedic remedies.

Perhaps, one of the most vital uses of Varun is that it can cure kidney stones. Varun is said to have a diuretic effect on the body which enhances the body’s capability to excrete waste products from the body. In Ayurveda system of India, the bark and seeds are believed to have the capacity to dissolve kidney stones completely.
वारुणो दुर्गं कृमिग्रन्थिपूयश्चास्य सर्वतः।
समुदर्श्च नखश्लेष्मा दशशीर्षासमुच्छ्रयः॥ (भावप्रकाश)

Varun (Crataeva Nurvula) can destroy intestinal worms and their eggs, cleanse the glands of the body, reduce excessive mucus and provide relief from ten types of head diseases.

नित्यं वारुणसंयुक्तं दिनचर्यामरोगतः।
वह्निस्त्वग्निज्वरास्त्रष्टो मूत्रानिलप्रशमनम्॥ (भावप्रकाश)

Daily use of Varun (Crataeva Nurvula) helps in preventing diseases, eliminates excessive heat from the body, cures skin diseases, reduces fever caused by the imbalance of the digestive fire and pacifies the urine and wind.

Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa)

It has low growing trailing or erect Annual plant, another name given to Punarnava is Boerhavia Diffusa which is widely used in Ayurvedic remedy. Some of the functions of this substance include the use of a diuretic, a compound that is used in the promotion of the production of urine, hence removal of toxins in the body. Punarnava is administered to conditions of urinary disorders like urinary tract infections, kidney stones etc.

The other property of Punarnava herb is that it is equally helpful in eliminating inflammation in the affected region. It has been employed in the traditional Indian medicinal practices as an anti – inflammatory food, to deal with inflammation and swelling in various parts of the body. This makes it applicable in treating diseases like arthritis and others that mayOriginating From inflammation.

Punarnava is also thought to possess antihepatotoxic action, in other words this herb has the ability to strengthen the liver and shield it against toxins/medications. It is also anti-cancer and may have application in the treatment of certain types of cancer and cancer related illness..

Besides, in Ayurvedic stream Punarnava has also been used effectively for skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. It has cleansing ability to purify the blood hence it can work wonders in treating skin conditions.

Furthermore, Punarnava has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. Its detoxifying properties can help to purify the blood and improve overall skin health.
अरण्यवस्ते पुनर्नवा, भेषजं भवति द्रवम् ।
श्लेष्मस्य मूत्रविरेकः, कफवातानिलप्रदः ॥
राज निघंटु

Punarnava, which grows in the forest, becomes a liquid medicine. It promotes urine and helps to eliminate excess phlegm, wind, and bile.

पुनर्नवा श्लेष्मशोथार्शोघ्नी कृमिनाशिनी ।
दीपनी पाचनी ह्रद्या, रक्तपित्तहरी तथा ॥

Punarnava is useful in treating edema, piles, and diseases caused by excessive phlegm. It is also helpful in improving digestion, strengthening the heart, and treating disorders related to blood and bile.

Pashanbhed (Saxifraga Ligulata)

Pashanbhed or Saxifraga Ligulata is one of the medicinal plants that has been described in Ayurveda medication for several years. This fruit is grown in the Himalayan region, and this fruit is known to have several health benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of Pashanbhed according to Ayurveda:Here are some of the key benefits of Pashanbhed according to Ayurveda:

Pashanbhed is considered as having a carminative effect which inturn aids in the expulsion of the stones and sand within the urinary bladder. In addition to this, it plays a role in decreasing the size of the stones and lessening of formation of the same making it an effective remedy for kenyan kidney ailments.

It assists in eradicating bacteria responsible for causing UTIs and also in decrease inflammation and pain related to the condition. Apart from treating kidney stones, Pashanbhed can be applied to treat other urinary tract disorder also.
 पाषाणभेदो विषघ्नो वातहृच्छेदनो नृणाम्।
(भाव प्रकाश)

Pashanbhed is effective in removing stones, toxins and gases from the body. It also helps in treating disorders like inflammation of the stomach, heart and urinary system, as well as relieving thirst and asthma.

सारं दोषघ्नं स्नेहदं वृष्यं पाषाणभेदकम्॥
(धन्वन्तरि निघण्टु)

Pashanbhed is useful in treating disorders caused by excessive phlegm and bile, fever, edema, skin diseases, inflammation of the heart, and is also considered a good aphrodisiac.

Methi (Trigonella Foenum-graecum)

Methi which is scientifically named as Trigonella Foenum-graecum, is a very popular herb in Ayurveda that has been used for various purposes. Its principle application is as a stimulant of the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes; it may act as a choleretic agent. For this reason, Methi is helpful in the management of gastrointestinal related complaints like; Gastro esophageal reflux disease, flatulency and constipations.
Methi is also known to possess anti-inflammatory properties which makes it good in the treatment of such ailments as arthritis and other inflammation diseases. Also, it has been proved to possess blood sugar-lowering properties, which makes it to be used in treatment of diabetes.
Moreover, Methi is also used to have the health benefits of the heart as well. That is why the components facilitate the regulation of cholesterollymic properties and blood circulation, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases. It also serve as antioxidant and help in the prevention of various diseases as a result of oxidant-antioxidant imbalance including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Methi has also been traditionally used by many nurses in Indian homes to increase the supply of the breast milk in nursing mothers and also in the treatment of skin problem such as acne and eczema.
अंगारकं तु वस्तिभिः कृतं सेनानिबंधनम्।
पिप्पलीत्वच्च मेथ्येति पक्वं द्वादश पुण्यकम्॥
भवप्रकाश निघण्टु

Methi is one of the twelve Punyak plants, and is hot in nature. It is combined with Pippali and Tvak to make a formulation that is effective in strengthening the army.

शैत्यं श्लेष्मातिदूष्यति मधुरं लघु गुरु।
बल्यं च स्निग्धं दीपनं कफकृत्तृष्णासृत् कृमिनाशनं वै॥
धन्वन्तरि निघण्टु

Methi is sweet in taste and balances the Kapha and Vata doshas. It is light and heavy, and has the properties of being strengthening, lubricating, digestive, and thirst-relieving. It is also effective in destroying worms.

Yava Ksara

Yava Ksara is an ingredient in Ayurveda preparation which is derived from the ash of the barley. It is used for various reasons since it plays numerous and diverse roles that enhance on the health of an individual such as; It helps in digestion of food and is widely used by people who want to lose weight naturally.

Another advantage of Yava Ksara is that it can be drank to assist with digestion. This assists in the stimulation of secretion of digestive fluids and enzymes hence digesting foods and absorbing nutrients nutrient effectively and avoiding incidences of the development of complications like bloating and constipation.

Yava Ksara is also known to contain diuretic effects and assists to enhancing the urine production and excreting toxins from the body. This make it beneficial in treating urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
यवक्षारं गुडूच्यादि तथा तैलस्य चोष्णता।
शीतलं कफवातघ्नं त्रिदोषजित्सुखावहम्॥

Yava Ksara is cool, helps in balancing Kapha and Vata dosha, and is beneficial in providing relief from various ailments when used with jaggery, Guduchi and oil.

यवक्षारं समं शुष्कं कफवातहरं सुखृत्।
अतिसारजितं रुच्यं त्रिदोषहृत् प्रयोजनम्॥
(धन्वन्तरि निघण्टु)

Yava Ksara is dry, helps in balancing Kapha and Vata dosha, relieves diarrhea, enhances taste, and provides benefits in various ailments caused by the three doshas.

Hazrul Yahud Bhasma

Hazrul Yahud Bhasma is an ingredient in Ayurvedic medicines which is obtained from the ashes of a particular type of rock known as Hazrul. It is consumed because it has several health benefits such as in the enhancement of the digestive system, boosting the immune system and other numerous benefits.

There are numerous benefits of taking Hazrul Yahud Bhasma and on of the most common is better digestion. It assists in the secretion of digestive juices and enzyme that break down food so that it can be easily absorbed into the body hence avoiding conditions such as bloated stomach and constipation.

Hazrul Yahud Bhasma has also been found to have immunomodulatory effects and therefore, can improve the immune of the body against diseases and other sickness. This makes it ideal when treating, illnesses such as the flu and the cold since they affect the respiratory system.

Also, the consumption of Hazrul Yahud Bhasma is thought to improve one’s psychological well-being. They have been traditionally employed in Ayurvedic system of medicine for the management of various disorders of the nervous system including anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Kalmi Shora

Kalmi Shora is also known as potassium nitrate which is a natural occurring mineral and is used in Ayurvedic medicine for its curative properties as can be seen from the following benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of Kalmi Shora according to Ayurveda:Here are some of the key benefits of Kalmi Shora according to Ayurveda:

Kalmi Shora helps remove bacteria and germs effectively thus improves oral health due to its antiseptic factors. It is commonly found in toothpaste products and mouth wash to help in the prevention and treating of gum diseases and other oral infections.

Kalmi Shora has diuretic like qualities which can be used for treating the imbalance in the elimination of waste products in the body. It can also be used in the treatment of oedema that is a condition associated with build-up of fluids in tissues of the body.

Mulaka Ksara

Mulaka Ksara is an Ayurvedic preparation which is obtained from ash of radish seeds. It is also consumed for its therapeutic qualities such as improving one’s digestion, easing breathing complications and other health benefits among them.

First of all, it should be mentioned that one of the functions of using Mulaka Ksara is the facilitation of digestion. It assists to arouse secretion of enzymes and chemicals required in digestion and thus enhances nutrient assimilation and helps avoid states such as stomach aches, swollen belly, bloating, & constipation.

It also has expectorant properties, which will enable the free flow of air around the respiratory tracts of human beings without much struggles. It may be taken to cure respiratory conditions including the common cold, bronchitis, asthma and even cough.

Also, it is understood that consumption of Mulaka Ksara is good for the urinary system. It has been found effective to lessen inflammation and irritation of the urinary canal and this in turn can assist to minimize urinary tract infections and occurrence of kidney stones.
निश्चित्तितं मूलकं क्षारं शोधनं दिपनं लघु।
श्लेष्महरं च तं विद्धि सूक्ष्मं चैव तथैव च॥
राज निघण्टु

Mulaka Ksara is cleansing, digestive, light, and removes excess Kapha. It is also considered subtle.

मूलकं क्षारमध्यं च सुषवेणश्च योजयेत्।
अम्लमाश्लेषकफघ्नं रोचनं दीपनं तथा॥
शार्ङ्गधर संहिता

Mulaka Ksara, when combined with dry ginger, is beneficial in treating acidity, Kapha-related conditions, and improving taste and digestion.

Swet Parpati

Swet Parpati also known as sweet parpati is an Ayurvedic medicine which can be used for various ailments. It is an admixture of several natural products among which are shuddha parada, shuddha gandhaka and gairika. The preparation, which has been used for its efficiency in treating disorders in the urinary tract and the digestive system.

Swet Parpati is helpful in making the urinary in,” and “this particular preparation has multiple uses that include enhancing the health of the urinary system.” It could decrease inflammation and manage inflammations and irritation in the urinary tracts and thus control formation of some diseases such as UTI, kidney stones, and bladder infections. It can also assists in controlling the frequency and flow of urine and thereby maintaining a healthy kidney.

Swet Parpat is also believed to possess some digestive properties also. It also benefits digestion and is effective in addressing issues relating to it such as constipation, bloating, and gas. It may also help to facilitate hunger and a healthy digestion making it an effective addition to supplements that deal with the problems associated with the digestive tract.
Kidneys stones are very uncomfortable and painful therefore it is important that steps can be taken to avoid the formation of stones in the first place. Here are some home remedies and prevention tips that can help:Here are some home remedies and prevention tips that can help:

Drink Plenty of Water: One of the best ways of ensuring that you avoid formation of kidney stones iss to drink lots of water. This comprises eight to ten glasses of water per day to clear out excess of minerals and toxin from the body.

Reduce Salt Intake: Over intake of sodium and salt yields the development of kidney stones. Therefore, avoiding as much as you can is the best practice to reduce the intake of salt in your body through avoiding processed foods, canned foods and salty snacks.

Increase Citrus Intake: Many of the fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges contain citric acid and these are helpful in minimizing risks of formation of kidney stones. There are easy modifications you can make such as squeezing lemon or lime juice into your water or tea.
Limit Animal Protein: Animal protein like red meat, chicken, and fish can increase the risk of kidney stones. So, limit your intake of animal protein and choose plant-based protein sources instead.

Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise can help prevent kidney stones by reducing the risk of obesity and improving overall health.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Consuming apple cider vinegar can help dissolve kidney stones due to its acidic properties. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with water and drink it twice a day.

Herbal Tea: Some herbal teas like nettle leaf, dandelion root, and horsetail tea can help prevent kidney stones by promoting healthy urine flow and reducing inflammation. 
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